Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Journey to Truth

Hello. My name is Sarah and this is my journey to truth. What truth you ask, well that will be determined as time goes on. My journey begins the same as everyone else's...with the alarm clock.

Just like everyone, my agenda for the day includes waking up, exercising, showering, food, school, work and bed. Sounds pretty cut and dry right? 

Like any story, there's always a twist...

My household is comprised of, a control freak, a free spirit, an optimist and a traditionalist. We eat mostly"clean", "whole" foods, exercise and live on a budget. 

Our journey begins with truth in food. 


  1. Now, I know how comic book readers feel. Can't wait for the next issue.

  2. Replies
    1. I am glad you enjoyed. Stay tuned there is more to come!
