Friday, October 17, 2014

"Mom, why can't we just have cereal?!"

Sitting at breakfast this morning, Mr. Free Spirit says, "Mom, why can't we just have cereal?"

In my house I get asked this question more often than not. I could endure the eye rolls and head nods as I re-state the many reasons cereal is "bad" for us.
  1. Preservatives (BHT)
  2. Additives (Food Dyes)
  3. Refined Sugars
  4. Simple Carbs
But why focus on the "bad" when the "good" is so much better, right?

Our home does not "just have cereal" because I know our bodies and brains need pure fuel to function. Fuel is provided by proteins, vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats found in whole foods. 

After years of conditioning we have forced our brains and bodies to use refined sugar, simple carbs and additives as fuel. In doing so, whole foods can "taste different or weird" and in some cases, leave a void. I suspect our addiction to refined sugar is to blame. But that is a topic for another day. So, how do I get the Free Spirit and Traditionalist in my home to enjoy whole food? Well, I become a food ninja and we have desert for breakfast. Yes, you read that right. We have desert! And Fall is the perfect time of year to do this. A favorite in our home is pumpkin cereal.

Pumpkin Cereal Recipe for 4 


1/2 Cinderella pumpkin, cut into 1/2-1inchsquares 
1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 tablespoons of honey, depending on your sweet tooth 
1/2 to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 
1 cup almond milk, divided
4 tablespoons sliced almonds, divided
4 tablespoons shredded unsweetened raw coconut, divided
4 tablespoons dried orange flavored cranberries


Cook the cut pumpkin on the stove with coconut oil, cinnamon and honey for 20-30 min on medium, low heat. I like to prepare lunches, do my cross fit or fix my hair until the pumpkin is tender but not mushy. Once the pumpkin is done, divide into 4 bowls. Add the evenly divided milk, almonds, coconut and cranberries and enjoy.

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